Friday, September 26, 2008

12.00 AM --Good Nite-- ^^

Orang bosen harap dimaklumi 3 post dalam 1 malam hehehe.. ^^

It's already 12.00 AM. For those who's already sleeping, may these angels bring u sweet dream and can start tomorrow with smile. (haha.. blessing myself actually. I'm so pissed off with my prince T_T)

Good nite all.. GBU ^^~

PrincessLuvChristmas' Stuff

Hi, I'm PrincessLuvChristmas GG~

This is PrincessLuvChristmas castle xD~

Princess luvs winter very much ^^~

This is Princess' Fav Cake xD~

Princess luvs this cake also xD~

Princess' Fav Snack ^^~

Princess luvs chocolate also xD~

Princess' dreaming of going here T_T

Princess' Dreamland

Princess can't swim but she luvs underwater world soo much ^^~

Princess' friend GG~

Princess wants her prince to purpose her in here xD~

And the last, Princess' praying that one day this world, this earth, could end like this ^^

Introduction ;)

Welcome to my second blog :D

Actually I already have a blog from my Friendster. But I thought it's more like a place to release my anger than a really cute blog.. hahah xD~

So welcome in here ^^~

Reason why I made this blog in blogspot is because I like the layout in
I don't really know her actually. But she is amazingly good in design b^^d
(momo, u really inspire me!! hehe..)
Though I don't know how to make my blog looks cute like hers, I do really think that I need some kind of diary because I think my life right now is far away from something called "organized".

Let me comment this website first.
I don't know if it's me can' t change the default language in this web or this is really an Indonesian based web ~_~
I could getting frustrated seeing all the commands in Indo =="
Not meaning to be arogant or what but if me seeing command in Indo, that looks very funny, u know xD~

Well, enough for the introduction. I wanna continue designing my layout (if I can.. pray for me xD)
And wish me luck also to post in here regularly cause I'm really unorganized these days T_T
